8 Functionality to facilitate workflow
8.1 Load all
When someone is writing an R package with devtools, it is common to use devtools::load_all()
to quickly try out the functions of an R package in the console. We’d like to allow for a similar workflow using litr. We define a litr function called load_all()
, which will do the following:
Litr-knit the .Rmd file with
to some temporary location (since the idea ofload_all()
is to leave the .html file alone) and then delete the .html file.Run
on the output.
#' Load complete package
#' This is a litr wrapper to `devtools::load_all()`. It first calls
#' `litr::render()` with `minimal_eval=TRUE`, then it calls
#' `devtools::load_all()` on the generated package.
#' @param input The input file to be rendered (see `rmarkdown::render`)
#' @param output_dir By default (and in typical usage) this is NULL, meaning
#' that no .html/bookdown/.pdf will result. However, when a directory is given,
#' the result of the litr-knitting will be saved to this location.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to `devtools::load_all()`
#' @export
load_all <- function(input, output_dir = NULL, ...) {
no_output <- is.null(output_dir)
if (no_output) {
output_dir <- tempfile()
if (fs::file_exists(output_dir)) fs::file_delete(output_dir)
# let's copy over everything from input directory to output directory
fs::dir_copy(fs::path_dir(input), output_dir, overwrite = TRUE)
input_path <- fs::path_split(input)[[1]]
moved_input <- file.path(output_dir, fs::path_file(input))
# get package directory
params <- get_params_used(moved_input, list())
package_dir <- get_package_directory(
# but if a package directory was copied here, let's remove it before
# calling render to avoid a potential error
if (fs::dir_exists(package_dir)) fs::dir_delete(package_dir)
litr::render(moved_input, minimal_eval = TRUE, output_dir = output_dir,
quiet = TRUE)
new_package_dir <- file.path(fs::path_dir(input), params$package_name)
fs::dir_copy(package_dir, new_package_dir, overwrite = TRUE)
if (no_output) fs::dir_delete(output_dir)
Let’s test that this works. In particular, we’ll call load_all()
and then try to use one of the functions from the package.
testthat::test_that('load_all() works', {
# setup files for tests:
dir <- tempfile()
if (fs::file_exists(dir)) fs::file_delete(dir)
rmd_file <- file.path(dir, 'create-pkg.Rmd')
fs::file_copy(testthat::test_path("create-pkg.Rmd"), rmd_file)
html_file <- file.path(dir, "create-pkg.html")
testthat::expect_equal(say_hello("Jacob"), "Hello Jacob!")
8.2 Templates
8.2.1 Including template files in package
We now add the .Rmd templates to the package. We have the skeleton.Rmd
for each template defined in source-files
. Note that paths are relative to the outputted package’s location.
The first template is the simplest imaginable package with a single function:
template_name = "Template To Make an R Package",
template_dir = "make-an-r-package",
template_description = "Template for an Rmd file for writing an R package using literate programming.",
template_create_dir = FALSE
## ✔ Creating 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package/skeleton/'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package/template.yaml'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd'
path = file.path(
"..", "source-files", "make-an-r-package", "skeleton.Rmd"
new_path = file.path(
"inst", "rmarkdown", "templates", "make-an-r-package", "skeleton"
overwrite = TRUE
The second template shows how to create a package with a dataset:
template_name = "Template To Make an R Package With a Dataset",
template_dir = "make-an-r-package-with-data",
template_description = "Template for an Rmd file for writing an R package with a dataset using literate programming.",
template_create_dir = FALSE
## ✔ Creating 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-data/skeleton/'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-data/template.yaml'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-data/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd'
path = file.path(
"..", "source-files", "make-an-r-package-with-data", "skeleton.Rmd"
new_path = file.path(
"inst", "rmarkdown", "templates", "make-an-r-package-with-data", "skeleton"
overwrite = TRUE
The third template shows how to create a package that uses Rcpp
template_name = "Template To Make an R Package With Rcpp",
template_dir = "make-an-r-package-with-rcpp",
template_description = "Template for an Rmd file for writing an R package that makes use of Rcpp while using literate programming.",
template_create_dir = FALSE
## ✔ Creating 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-rcpp/skeleton/'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-rcpp/template.yaml'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-rcpp/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd'
path = file.path(
"..", "source-files", "make-an-r-package-with-rcpp", "skeleton.Rmd"
new_path = file.path(
"inst", "rmarkdown", "templates", "make-an-r-package-with-rcpp", "skeleton"
overwrite = TRUE
The fourth template shows how to create a package with “extras” such as a README, a vignette, and a pkgdown site:
template_name = "Template To Make an R Package With a README, Vignette, and Pkgdown Site",
template_dir = "make-an-r-package-with-extras",
template_description = "Template for an Rmd file for writing an R package that has a README, vignette, and pkgdown site while using literate programming.",
template_create_dir = FALSE
## ✔ Creating 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-extras/skeleton/'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-extras/template.yaml'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-extras/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd'
path = file.path(
"..", "source-files", "make-an-r-package-with-extras", "skeleton.Rmd"
new_path = file.path(
"inst", "rmarkdown", "templates", "make-an-r-package-with-extras", "skeleton"
overwrite = TRUE
path = file.path(
"..", "source-files", "make-an-r-package-with-extras", "source-files"
new_path = file.path(
"inst", "rmarkdown", "templates", "make-an-r-package-with-extras", "skeleton",
overwrite = TRUE
The fifth template shows how to create a package from a bookdown site, i.e. instead of having just a single create-pkg.Rmd
, we can have a series of .Rmd files that together create a bookdown:
template_name = "Template To Make an R Package From a Bookdown",
template_dir = "make-an-r-package-from-bookdown",
template_description = "Template for a bookdown that defines an R package using literate programming.",
template_create_dir = TRUE
## ✔ Creating 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-from-bookdown/skeleton/'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-from-bookdown/template.yaml'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-from-bookdown/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd'
path = file.path("..", "source-files", "make-an-r-package-from-bookdown"),
new_path = file.path(
"inst", "rmarkdown", "templates", "make-an-r-package-from-bookdown", "skeleton"
overwrite = TRUE
The sixth template shows how to create a package that uses RcppArmadillo
template_name = "Template To Make an R Package With RcppArmadillo",
template_dir = "make-an-r-package-with-armadillo",
template_description = "Template for an Rmd file for writing an R package that makes use of RcppArmadillo while using literate programming.",
template_create_dir = FALSE
## ✔ Creating 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-armadillo/skeleton/'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-armadillo/template.yaml'
## ✔ Writing 'inst/rmarkdown/templates/make-an-r-package-with-armadillo/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd'
8.2.2 Draft functions for working from template
The syntax for working from template using rmarkdown
is a bit cumbersome:
rmarkdown::draft("create-rhello.Rmd", template = "make-an-r-package", package = "litr")
We therefore define some litr
-specific draft functions (thanks to Yihui Xie for suggesting this!).
There is some reusable documentation in these functions, so we’ll define these reusable parts first and then reuse them later.
The functions will all have the following parameters:
#' @param pkg_name Name of package to be created.
#' @param dir (Optional) Directory where .Rmd file should be created
The heart of the functions will be to call rmarkdown::draft()
on a template but then modify the template so that it has the package name in it rather than whatever the default was.
#' Internal function for creating a .Rmd file from template
#' @param pkg_name Name of package to be created.
#' @param dir (Optional) Directory where .Rmd file should be created
#' @param template_name Name of template
#' @keywords internal
create_from_template <- function(pkg_name, dir, template_name) {
filename <- stringr::str_glue(file.path(dir, "create-{pkg_name}.Rmd"))
rmarkdown::draft(filename, template = template_name, package = "litr",
edit = FALSE)
rmd <- readLines(filename)
rmd <- stringr::str_replace(rmd, 'package_name: .+$',
stringr::str_glue('package_name: "{pkg_name}"'))
writeLines(rmd, filename)
message(stringr::str_glue("Created new file {filename}."))
We are now ready to define the draft functions. We start with the simplest:
#' Create a new litr .Rmd document for creating an R package
#' This creates `create-[pkg_name].Rmd` that when knitted (i.e., when passed to
#' `litr::render()`) will create an R package called `pkg_name`.
#' This is the most basic R package template, with one function and one test
#' function.
#' @param pkg_name Name of package to be created.
#' @param dir (Optional) Directory where .Rmd file should be created
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{draft_bookdown}} \code{\link{draft_data}} \code{\link{draft_rcpp}} \code{\link{draft_extras}} \code{\link{draft_armadillo}}
draft <- function(pkg_name = "rhello", dir = ".") {
create_from_template(pkg_name, dir, "make-an-r-package")
And now we define the draft function for creating an R package with a data set in it:
#' Create a new litr .Rmd document for creating an R package with a data set
#' This creates `create-[pkg_name].Rmd` that when knitted (i.e., when passed to
#' `litr::render()`) will create an R package called `pkg_name`.
#' This template shows how to make an R package with a data set in it.
#' @param pkg_name Name of package to be created.
#' @param dir (Optional) Directory where .Rmd file should be created
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{draft}} \code{\link{draft_bookdown}} \code{\link{draft_rcpp}} \code{\link{draft_extras}} \code{\link{draft_armadillo}}
draft_data <- function(pkg_name = "rhasdata", dir = ".") {
create_from_template(pkg_name, dir, "make-an-r-package-with-data")
And now we define the draft function for creating an R package that uses Rcpp
#' Create a new litr .Rmd document for creating an R package that uses `Rcpp`
#' This creates `create-[pkg_name].Rmd` that when knitted (i.e., when passed to
#' `litr::render()`) will create an R package called `pkg_name`.
#' This template shows how to make an R package that uses `Rcpp`.
#' @param pkg_name Name of package to be created.
#' @param dir (Optional) Directory where .Rmd file should be created
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{draft}} \code{\link{draft_bookdown}} \code{\link{draft_data}} \code{\link{draft_extras}} \code{\link{draft_armadillo}}
draft_rcpp <- function(pkg_name = "withrcpp", dir = ".") {
create_from_template(pkg_name, dir, "make-an-r-package-with-rcpp")
And now we define the draft function for creating an R package that has “extras” such as a README, vignette(s), a pkgdown site, and a hex sticker:
#' Create a new litr .Rmd document for creating an R package with extras
#' This creates `create-[pkg_name].Rmd` that when knitted (i.e., when passed to
#' `litr::render()`) will create an R package called `pkg_name`.
#' This template shows how to make an R package that has "extras" such as a
#' README, vignette(s), a pkgdown site, and a hex sticker.
#' @param pkg_name Name of package to be created.
#' @param dir (Optional) Directory where .Rmd file should be created
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{draft}} \code{\link{draft_bookdown}} \code{\link{draft_data}} \code{\link{draft_rcpp}} \code{\link{draft_armadillo}}
draft_extras <- function(pkg_name = "withpkgdown", dir = ".") {
create_from_template(pkg_name, dir, "make-an-r-package-with-extras")
And now we define the draft function for creating an R package that uses RcppArmadillo
#' Create a new litr .Rmd document for creating an R package that uses `RcppArmadillo`
#' This creates `create-[pkg_name].Rmd` that when knitted (i.e., when passed to
#' `litr::render()`) will create an R package called `pkg_name`.
#' This template shows how to make an R package that uses `RcppArmadillo`.
#' @param pkg_name Name of package to be created.
#' @param dir (Optional) Directory where .Rmd file should be created
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{draft}} \code{\link{draft_bookdown}} \code{\link{draft_data}} \code{\link{draft_rcpp}} \code{\link{draft_extras}}
draft_armadillo <- function(pkg_name = "witharmadillo", dir = ".") {
create_from_template(pkg_name, dir, "make-an-r-package-with-armadillo")
Finally, we define the draft function for creating an R package from bookdown
. The code for this one is a bit different because it creates a directory with a number of .Rmd files.
#' Create a new litr .Rmd document for creating an R package from `bookdown`
#' This template shows how to make an R package from `bookdown`. It creates a directory called `create-[pkg_name]` in `dir`. Rendering the file `index.Rmd`
#' with `litr::render()` creates the bookdown and package.
#' @param pkg_name Name of package to be created.
#' @param dir (Optional) Directory where .Rmd file should be created
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{draft}} \code{\link{draft_data}} \code{\link{draft_rcpp}} \code{\link{draft_extras}} \code{\link{draft_armadillo}}
draft_bookdown <- function(pkg_name = "frombookdown", dir = ".") {
create_pkg <- stringr::str_glue("create-{pkg_name}")
dirname <- stringr::str_glue(file.path(dir, create_pkg))
template = "make-an-r-package-from-bookdown",
package = "litr",
edit = FALSE)
# delete unneeded file:
fs::file_delete(file.path(dirname, paste0(create_pkg, ".Rmd")))
index_file <- file.path(dirname, "index.Rmd")
# adjust index.Rmd with name of package
rmd <- readLines(index_file)
rmd <- stringr::str_replace(rmd, 'package_name: .+$',
stringr::str_glue('package_name: "{pkg_name}"'))
writeLines(rmd, index_file)
message(stringr::str_glue("Created new directory {dirname}"))