6 Wrapper to devtools::document()

This function is nearly identical to devtools::document() except that it changes the roxygen2 message that says “Please edit documentation in R/[…].R” to instead mention the generating .Rmd file. When Rcpp is used, it also makes sure that #include <RcppArmadillo.h> comes before #include <Rcpp.h>.

#' Use roxygen to document a package from within a Rmd file
#' This is a wrapper for the `devtools::document()` function, which in turn is a
#' wrapper for the `roxygen2::roxygenize()` function.  It is written assuming that
#' it is being called from within a generating Rmd file.  The purpose for `litr` 
#' having this wrapper is two-fold.  First, it ensures that the first line
#' in the outputted `Rd` files should not say "Please edit documentation in 
#' R/file.R" but instead should refer to the Rmd file that generates everything. 
#' Second, in the case that Rcpp is being used, it makes some adjustments to ensure
#' that the compiling of the C++ code should be successful.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to `devtools::document()`
#' @export
document <- function(...) {
  # prepare Rcpp code for compiling
  if (fs::file_exists("src/code.cpp")) {
    # make sure that #include <RcppArmadillo.h> if it exists
    # comes *before* (or instead of) <Rcpp.h>
    txt <- readLines("src/code.cpp")
    loc <- stringr::str_which(txt, r"(#include <RcppArmadillo.h>)")
    if (length(loc) > 0) {
      include_arma_line <- txt[loc[1]]
      txt <- c(include_arma_line, txt[-loc])
      writeLines(txt, "src/code.cpp")
  # remove the line of the following form in each man/*.Rd file:
  pattern <- "% Please edit documentation in .*$"
  msg <- do_not_edit_message(knitr::current_input(), type = "man")
  for (fname in fs::dir_ls("man")) {
    txt <- stringr::str_replace(readLines(fname), pattern, msg)
    cat(paste(txt, collapse = "\n"), file = fname)

We used devtools, so let’s import it:

## ✔ Adding 'devtools' to Imports field in DESCRIPTION
## • Refer to functions with `devtools::fun()`