9 Adding extras to an R package

When writing an R package, there are some additional items one typically wants to include, such as a README file, one or more vignettes, and a pkgdown site. In this section, we define some helper functions that will be make it easy to add these “extras” to a package.

While a user could choose to generate all these items within the generating .Rmd file, for all but the simplest examples, it will probably be preferred to have these as separate source files. These source files can live in the same directory as the generating .Rmd file or in their own directory (e.g., source-files lives in the same directory as create-litr.Rmd, which is called litr-project).

9.1 Adding a README

We define a helper function that takes an externally defined README.Rmd and puts it into the package, creates a README.md, and makes sure that these will be added to the .Rbuildignore.

#' Add README to package
#' This function takes a README.Rmd file, copies it into the package, and then
#' renders it to a README.md file.  It also adds these two files to the
#' .Rbuildignore.
#' @param rmd_file The path to a .Rmd file.
#' @export
add_readme <- function(rmd_file) {
  usethis::use_readme_rmd(open = FALSE)
  fs::file_copy(rmd_file, new_path = "README.Rmd", overwrite = TRUE)
  out <- xfun::Rscript_call(
    args = list(
      input = "README.Rmd",
      output_options = list(html_preview = "false")

9.2 Adding a hex sticker

We define a helper function that takes an externally defined hex sticker (.png file) and puts it into the package under man/figures. The suggestion for storing it in this directory came from here.

#' Add a hex sticker to package
#' In addition to calling this function, you should add to your README.Rmd something like this:
#' `# your-title <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="139" />`
#' See [here](https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/reference/build_home.html#package-logo) 
#' for more.
#' @param hex_png_file The .png file with your package's hex sticker
#' @export
add_hex_sticker <- function(hex_png_file) {
  figures_dir <- file.path("man", "figures")
  fs::file_copy(path = hex_png_file, 
                new_path = file.path(figures_dir, "logo.png"), 
                overwrite = TRUE)

9.3 Adding vignettes

We next define a helper function for adding vignettes to the package. This mimics usethis::use_vignette(). We couldn’t directly use that function because we want the project file to live outside of the package directory, which confuses usethis.

#' Add one or more vignettes to package
#' @param rmd_files A character vector of .Rmd files, each corresponding to 
#' a vignette
#' @param other_files A character vector of any other files needed in the 
#' vignettes directory (.bib file, images, etc.)
#' @export
add_vignettes <- function(rmd_files, other_files = NULL) {
  for (fn in c(rmd_files, other_files)) fs::file_copy(fn, "vignettes")
  # update DESCRIPTION file:
  deps <- desc::desc_get_deps()$package
  if (!("knitr" %in% deps))
    desc::desc_set_dep("knitr", type = "Suggests")
  if (!("rmarkdown" %in% deps))
    desc::desc_set_dep("rmarkdown", type = "Suggests")
  out <- desc::desc_set("VignetteBuilder", "knitr")

9.4 Add a pkgdown site

We define a function based on usethis::use_pkgdown(), but with a few differences:

  1. Avoid the parts to do with looking for projects
  2. Allow one to use a custom _pkgdown.yml that is stored outside of package
#' Add a pkgdown site
#' This function creates a website for your package.  You can see it locally by
#' opening `docs/index.html` in your package.  To get it online you can copy the
#' `docs` directory to your website's server.
#' Be sure that in the generating .Rmd file this is called *after*
#' `litr::document()` has been called.  To customize the site, you may pass a
#' customized `_pkgdown.yml` file as described in [this `pkgdown` vignette](https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/customise.html).
#' @param config_path The _pkgdown.yml file that lives somewhere outside of your package.  If NULL, then a basic default will be used.
#' @export
add_pkgdown <- function(config_path = NULL) {
  config_file <- "_pkgdown.yml"
  destdir <- "docs"
  usethis::use_build_ignore(c(config_file, destdir, "pkgdown"))
  if (is.null(config_path)) {
    # create a new config file (note it lives outside of package)
    config <- usethis:::pkgdown_config(destdir)
    usethis::write_over(config_file, yaml::as.yaml(config))
  } else {
    # copy the one that already exists:
    fs::file_copy(config_path, config_file)  

After this step, you can locally see the site by opening docs/index.html in the browser. You can then copy the docs directory to your website’s server and you’re done.

Since the above function uses pkgdown and yaml, we include these in our package:

## ✔ Adding 'pkgdown' to Imports field in DESCRIPTION
## • Refer to functions with `pkgdown::fun()`
## ✔ Adding 'yaml' to Imports field in DESCRIPTION
## • Refer to functions with `yaml::fun()`