This is the Gut (HIV) data used in Tree-Aggregated Predictive Modeling of Microbiome Data. This was processed based on a phyloseq object provided by Javier Rivera-Pinto. It is the BCN0 (Bacelona test dataset) from Gut Microbiota Linked to Sexual Preference and HIV Infection.
A named list:
Vector of n = 152 soluble CD14 levels in units of pg/ml
Matrix of fecal 16S rRNA amplicon data, with n = 152 rows corresponding to people and p = 539 columns corresponding to OTUs.
Taxonomic tree of class phylo
A data frame containing the taxonomic information for each OTU
A binary matrix encoding the tree structure with p = 539 rows, corresponding to leaves, and 626 columns, corresponding to all non-root nodes in the tree. See Tree-Aggregated Predictive Modeling of Microbiome Data for the definition of A.