We walk through the basics of litr
with a simple
Suppose we want to create a package called rleastsquares
that does least squares. To do so, we will create a .Rmd file called
from a litr
This generates create-rleastsquares.Rmd
, and opening it
you’ll notice some special lines in the yaml:
knit: litr::render
output: litr::litr_html_document
package_name: "rleastsquares" # <-- change this to your package name
package_parent_dir: "." # <-- relative to this file's location
This is what will lead to an R package being created when you press “Knit”.
Package setup
Note: Every R package needs a DESCRIPTION file. We’ll start by filling in the relevant information.
path = ".",
fields = list(
Package = param$package_name,
Version = "",
Title = "Fit Least Squares",
Description = "A package that fits least squares.",
`Authors@R` = person(
given = "First",
family = "Last",
email = "you@gmail.com",
role = c("aut", "cre")
usethis::use_mit_license(copyright_holder = "F. Last")
Writing a function for the package
Since this is an R markdown file, we can use latex to explain our code, provide derivations, etc.
Suppose we have a response vector \(y\in\mathbb R^n\) and a data matrix \(X\in\mathbb R^{n\times p}\).
We want to find the solution to the problem
\[ \min_{\beta\in\mathbb R^p}\|y-X\beta\|^2 \]
We’ll assume that \(X\) is full rank with \(n > p\). We know that the solution is given by
\[ \hat\beta=(X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty. \]
We’ll write a function that does exactly that!
#' Get the OLS solution
#' @param y our response, which is an n-vector
#' @param X our data matrix, which is n by p
#' @export
do_least_squares <- function(y, X) {
if(nrow(X) != length(y))
stop("The number of rows of X must match the length of y.")
as.numeric(solve(crossprod(X), crossprod(X, y)))
Note: Code chunks whose first line starts with
are added to the package. If you’re not familiar withroxygen2
, see here for more.
Now that we’ve defined do_least_squares()
, let’s try it
n <- 100
p <- 1
x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p))
beta_star <- c(2, 0.5)
sigma <- 0.1
y <- x %*% beta_star + sigma * rnorm(n)
Note: This code chunk does not start with
, so it is not added to the package.
betahat <- do_least_squares(y, x)
Let’s see how this compares to lm
’s answer.
fit_lm <- lm(y ~ x[, 2])
## (Intercept) x[, 2]
## 1.9897197 0.4947528
Compare that to…
## [1] 1.9897197 0.4947528
Ok, do_least_squares()
appears to be working. Let’s
define a formal unit test based on the example above.
testthat::test_that("do_least_squares() works", {
n <- 100
p <- 1
x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p))
beta_star <- c(2, 0.5)
sigma <- 0.1
y <- x %*% beta_star + sigma * rnorm(n)
fit_lm <- lm(y ~ x[, 2])
# do lm and our function give the same coefficient vector?
testthat::expect_equal(do_least_squares(y, x),
# do we get the desired error when there is a length mismatch?
testthat::expect_error(do_least_squares(y[-1], x), "must match")
## Test passed
Note: Code chunks that have one or more lines starting with
are added to the package as tests.
Some fancier features
Finer control over where in the package your code is sent
As noted above, litr
detects whether to send a code
chunk to the package based on whether it starts with #'
has test_that
in it. However, sometimes you’ll want finer
control. In this case you can override the behavior by explicitly
specifying the target location. To do so, use a code chunk option of the
form send_to="R/myfile.R"
. This will add your code to that
particular file (either creating it if need be or else appending it).
There are two primary use cases for this feature: (a) when you don’t
want to use roxygen2
to document a function and (b) when
you want several functions to appear together in the same .R file.
Using a function from a different package
Imagine we wanted to actually use a function from another package in
our own. For example, perhaps we want to use lsfit()
the stats
#' Get the OLS solution using lsfit()
#' @param y our response, which is an n-vector
#' @param X our data matrix, which is n by p
#' @export
do_least_squares_with_lsfit <- function(y, X) {
fit <- stats::lsfit(x = X, y = y, intercept = FALSE)
And then we also update the DESCRIPTION file with this package dependence:
To use a function from another package, simply use the
prefix when calling it and then addusethis::use_package("pkg")
to include the package dependency.
Including a dataset in your package
There’s a template for that.
Using Rcpp
in your package
There’s a template for that.
Including a README, vignettes, and pkgdown
There’s a template for that.
Defining your package with bookdown
If you’re writing a large package, it may be convenient to define it
across multiple .Rmd files. You can use bookdown
for this,
which leads to a nice looking online book with multiple chapters.
There’s a template for that.
Documenting the package
At the end of a litr
document, it is important to call
, which turns the royxgen2
into traditional documentation files in our R package.
litr::document() # <-- use instead of devtools::document()