1 Preliminaries

This document uses litr to define the flowkernel R package. When the index.Rmd file is rendered, the R package is created along with the bookdown you are reading. To do so in RStudio, you can simply open index.Rmd and press “Knit” to render the bookdown (and open _book/index.html to see the result). More generally, in a console you can run the following:



We start by specifying some basic information for the description file:

  path = ".",
  fields = list(
    Package = params$package_name,
    Version = "",
    Title = "Smoothly Varying Mixture of Gaussians Modeling",
    Description = "This package uses kernel-smoothed EM to estimate a smoothly varying mixture of Gaussians model.",
    `Authors@R` = c(person(
      given = "Jacob",
      family = "Bien",
      email = "jbien@usc.edu",
      role = c("aut", "cre")
      given = "Farhad",
      family = "de Sousa",
      email = "fdesousa@usc.edu",
      role = c("aut")
usethis::use_mit_license(copyright_holder = "F. Last")

1.2 Package-level documentation

Let’s include some package-level documentation. Besides being user-friendly, it’s also needed because we’ll be using “import from” later. Also, notice that we are importing all of mclust. This is because of this error involving mclustBIC(), which is called when we call Mclust().

#' Smoothly Varying Mixture of Gaussians Modeling
#' This package uses kernel-smoothed EM to estimate a smoothly varying mixture of Gaussians model.
#' @docType package
#' @import mclust
#' @import foreach